The Art of B2B Content Syndication

Content syndication is integral to a well-defined b2b marketing strategy. It increases the lifespan of your existing content. Whitepapers, e-books, case studies, study reports, and webinars, are some examples of content that can be syndicated.

With 90% of marketing professionals using content in their strategies, leveraging content has become a marketing norm rather than an option. Content, in its versatile presentations, continues to enable marketers to reach out to, and engage with, their defined markets, successfully. With a well-developed content distribution strategy, marketers can increase brand visibility, build brand identity, and develop meaningful customer connections.

In the B2B context, content syndication has more significance as it enables marketers to reach target audiences that really matter. This means, marketers achieve not any kind of leads, but the right kind of leads.

Understanding Content Syndication

Syndication involves republishing your content on a third-party network or platform to widen its reach. The goal of such content distribution is to republish content in multiple relevant locations for improved visibility and reach. Marketers work with a content publishing partner with a wide and relevant syndication network to distribute their content.

Syndication of content is not a random move to improve brand visibility. Mere distribution of content does not guarantee qualified leads either. Without a strategy, syndication simply ends up being content duplication, which can bring down your customer experience and credibility.

Content syndication can boost your b2b lead generation efforts provided it is implemented in a strategic manner. Choosing high-performing branded content and finding the right syndication partner network is key to success.

Why Should You Use Content Syndication

The Internet has approximately 1.09 billion websites (via Forbes Advisor). A new website comes up every 3 seconds. Given these staggering statistics of digital presence, it becomes imperative for brands to be at more than one place, to reach their target audience. With content syndication, brands get to leverage this growing digital presence to connect with a wider relevant audience.

Inbound marketing strategies can stagnate results after repeated implementation. Strategies can reach a level-off period where it gets difficult to optimize them and get the best results. Syndication gives a fresh boost to your content marketing efforts by placing your branded assets on external media, creating an opportunity to capture to-the-purpose leads.

Content Syndication Benefits: Brand Engagement and Sales Opportunities you Cannot Miss

A primary benefit of syndicated content is its ability to put you before an audience that is most likely to convert. A well-thought-out syndication strategy boosts the efficacy and ROI of your marketing campaigns by increasing your visibility on the B2B landscape. There are other opportunities that syndication opens up for your business.

Diverts Relevant Traffic to your Website

Syndicated content is your most valuable content that appears on third-party networks. These networks are focused channels to reach your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) segment, not a general audience. Audiences that find your information purposeful and want to take the next step, are routed to your website. With this b2b marketing strategy, you get organic leads that are already vetted and qualified even before they reach your website.

When content is syndicated through reputable networks with domain experience, expertise, and authority, it results in trustworthy backlinks. These backlinks improve your website’s ranking potential. When branded content gets distributed across credible networks and reaches your ICP segment, its credibility multiplies.

Syndicated content delivers multi-pronged results, including improved SEO, better website ranking and traffic, and greater brand credibility.

Helps you Move Beyond Website Traffic

Traffic is good, but not enough to maintain a robust sales pipeline. Traffic helps you snail toward your target audience that may or may not convert. With content syndication, you are placing yourself in front an audience that wants to convert. With the right syndication partner, you get to reach your audience’ inbox, addressing their needs with the most relevant solutions. The result – prospects that are ready to move up your sales funnel by choosing the next best action.

Rely on the traffic but syndicate content too, for a faster and highly targeted reach.

Brings Down Conversion Time and CPA

A prospect’s lifecycle, starting as a subscriber to become a lead, an MQL (a market-qualified lead), an SQL (a sales-qualified lead), an opportunity, and eventually a customer, is time-consuming. Content syndication shortens this lifecycle by bridging the gap between prospects and brands at every stage.

By reaching the right audience faster, syndication shrinks the time taken to engage, nurture and convert. This momentum reflects through the pipeline, reducing the conversion time at every stage. This shrinkage improves your conversion rate optimization (CRO), which in turn, reduces your CPA or cost per acquisition.

Generates High-Quality Leads

Syndication involves targeted reach to a defined audience segment. As syndication channels present tailored content only to select audiences, your sales funnel sees only qualified leads. More importantly, this targeted reach eliminates the waste of resources on irrelevant leads.

Reputed syndication channels deliver the benefit of an established audience. Syndicated content gives you access to this ready segment of the audience, which in turn, promises potential high-quality leads. These potential leads are available for further engagement at relatively lesser costs than with other b2b lead generation strategies.

Develops Brand Awareness

When syndicated content gets distributed through different networks, it raises awareness about your brand among target audiences. They get to know your solutions, and how your products/ services can solve an existing problem for them. Brand credibility, engagement, and recall are improved in the process of educating them about your solutions.

Optimizes the Returns on your Best Content

Creating content is an expensive and time-consuming process though necessary. Syndication, on the other hand, enables you to leverage your existing content by reusing it. By planning your goals ahead, you can achieve faster and multiple results with content syndication utilizing the same resources. You reach a wider and more targeted audience, engaging them with valuable information.

What Makes for a Successful Content Syndication Strategy

With the benefits of content syndication evident, the next step is to implement this efficient b2b lead generation strategy. As with any marketing strategy, a structured approach to syndicating content is crucial.The following best practices position you for consistent success:

Develop a Well-Defined Target Account List (TAL)

A strong TAL is basic to the success of any b2b marketing strategy, including content marketing through distribution. Your entire syndication strategy, including the networks you choose, depend on your TAL. With a solid TAL as a base, you can finetune your syndication process to reach high-value clients with personalized content.

Strong TALs are important to:

Define your syndication goals with accuracy

Utilize resources, including time and budget with utmost efficiency

Achieve optimal coordination between sales and marketing

Deliver consistent brand experiences across networks and thereby ensure better customer experiences

Include firmographic and technographic data to build your ICP for a leaner and more focused target segment. Research and analyze intent data to prioritize and refine your ICPs.

Choose your Content with Care

Select high-value content that is informative, engaging, and solves a problem for your target market. Content shared must include practical guidance on problem-solving. This approach encourages prospects to take the next best action in the form of content-downloading or contact-sharing.

Studies show that B2B buyers prefer content formats such as case studies (62%) to learn more about a brand’s products/ services (via Search Engine Journal). Content types such as case studies and analyst reports offer a third-party review of a product/ service, which makes them more valuable for B2B buyers. Whitepapers are other preferred assets as they present solutions alongside existing industry challenges.

The above content formats are also effective channels of opportunity for brands to showcase their expertise and highlight how their solutions bring benefits to businesses.

When selecting content, allocate at least three and a maximum of five high-value assets to the syndication process. Offer an abstract of these assets to provoke interest and encourage further engagement.

A clear, direction-oriented Call to Action (CTA) can deliver up to 161% more conversions. This means the CTAs that follow your abstracts are absolutely crucial.

Qualify Leads for Authenticity

Leads generated through content syndication need to be vetted for their quality. A thorough lead qualification process removes duplicate content, data inaccuracies, and low-quality contacts. The outcomes from this rigorous process are the most accurate sales leads ready for further engagement.

Use nurturing campaigns involving personalized email communications to convert them into sales-ready leads. To be effective, these communications must address the needs of the prospects at that point of time. This is an opportune moment to highlight your solutions and gain brand traction.

Leverage this phase to encourage leads to advance further along your sales funnel. Use offers such as exclusive access to content assets and webinar invitations to personalize engagement.

Emails must be personalized based on intent-based data signals, including digital data footprints, actions, and behavior. Leads can be prioritized based on their email interactions and intent signals.

Analyze Key Metrics

Analyzing metrics is essential to retune your content syndication strategy and achieve maximum returns. Some metrics to focus on include:

Website Traffic

This metric is key to understanding the performance of the syndication channels and your content. Measure the traffic directed to your website or landing page from syndicated networks and the types of content generating such traffic.

Lead Quality

Measuring lead quality can be complex as it depends on various factors. The primary filter is the predefined criteria used to define your target audience. Leads that agree with your predefined parameters such as industry, company size, revenue, and job title qualify for further engagement.

Post-primary filtration, it is crucial to view leads from multiple perspectives to assess their value. For example, a high engagement level is a powerful indicator of a quality lead. Intent data and signals at strategic touchpoints need to be observed and leveraged to determine lead value.


A conversion happens when a prospect takes a preferred action. Measuring conversions involves monitoring the number of leads that take the required action and move to the next stage in your sales funnel.

Tracking conversions is important to understand the efficacy of your content syndication. Measuring conversions is also important to refine your campaign with different content formats and personalization strategies.

Utilize Retargeting for More Conversions

Maximize the results from syndication by retargeting prospects that engaged with your content but did not take any conversion action. Personalized email communications, refined content asset offerings, and dynamic ad setups are some ways of efficient retargeting.

Partnering with a Demand Gen Service Ups your Syndication Results

When implemented right, content syndication not only delivers intended clicks from relevant prospects but also generates demand for your brand. The right content creates demand in multiple ways – develops awareness, inspires conversations, or stirs interest for further exploration.

Any demand that content marketing through syndication generates can be nurtured and transformed into hot prospects and valuable accounts. The challenge, however, is to find an able b2b demand generation solutions provider that delivers the right syndication network and reach for your content.

The expertise of a demand generation company becomes valuable in overcoming some key challenges of content syndication:

Position your content on a reputed syndication network with an established audience and relevance to your brand’s offerings.

Promoting your content in alignment with your brand values. Your brand voice, tone, and personality must reflect through your content across syndication channels.

Tracking content marketing metrics across distribution channels. B2B demand generation service providers use expertise and technology to evaluate complex metrics. From digital footprints to intent signals and conversions, a combination of metrics is used to understand syndication's impact on reach and revenue.

Preventing SEO risks such as lower ranking due to content duplication. When the same content gets published at different locations online, search engines have a hard time recognizing the original. So, basic measures such as using a canonical tag, which marks the original, are essential.

Developing a deep understanding of target audiences, including their needs and preferences. This understanding is key to selecting the right content, personalizing communications, and establishing the right connection.

Building a top-notch content syndication strategy with careful attention to each inter-process element. It is important to define your content publishing objectives. With clear objectives, the process moves consciously toward your goals. Without clarity, there is only a slumbering reliance on any positive outcome the process generates.

The difference that an expert demand generation firm brings is disseminating positive brand signals through hyper-personalized content. A firm’s expertise in digital marketing, content distribution, and an impressive understanding of the audience enables this difference.


53% of marketers use up more than half of their budgets for lead generation. Content syndication comes as a cost-effective strategy for marketers looking to achieve multiple marketing goals, including qualified leads. This strategy is available to any business looking to strengthen its online presence, multiply its content impact, and maintain a highly engaged sales funnel

With its established network and demand generation expertise, FinalFunnel can be your ideal digital marketing partner. As an industry-leading publisher, our syndication network gives you a wider reach to relevant audience. Our data expertise, in-house data store and data filters deliver actionable firmographic, technographic, and demographic data of high-value accounts. Our campaign metrics are available as detailed reports for your review and action. We craft a meticulous content syndication strategy planned end-to-end for success. Start your content syndication journey with us.